55 MinutesAverage: 650 Calories BurnedUtilising movements that are functional for day-to-day activities, STAR FIX enhances mobility and improves wellness. With a focus on strength, endurance, increased power, fat burning, and explosiveness, this class will take your body to new levels.SUPER CLASS
55 MinutesAverage: 650 Calories BurnedUtilising movements that are functional for day-to-day activities, STAR FIX enhances mobility and improves wellness. With a focus on strength, endurance, increased power, fat burning, and explosiveness, this class will take your body to new levels.SUPER CLASS
55 MinutesAverage: 650 Calories BurnedUtilising movements that are functional for day-to-day activities, STAR FIX enhances mobility and improves wellness. With a focus on strength, endurance, increased power, fat burning, and explosiveness, this class will take your body to new levels.SUPER CLASS
55 MinutesAverage: 650 Calories BurnedUtilising movements that are functional for day-to-day activities, STAR FIX enhances mobility and improves wellness. With a focus on strength, endurance, increased power, fat burning, and explosiveness, this class will take your body to new levels.SUPER CLASS
55 MinutesAverage: 650 Calories BurnedUtilising movements that are functional for day-to-day activities, STAR FIX enhances mobility and improves wellness. With a focus on strength, endurance, increased power, fat burning, and explosiveness, this class will take your body to new levels.SUPER CLASS
55 MinutesAverage: 650 Calories BurnedUtilising movements that are functional for day-to-day activities, STAR FIX enhances mobility and improves wellness. With a focus on strength, endurance, increased power, fat burning, and explosiveness, this class will take your body to new levels.SUPER CLASS
55 MinutesAverage: 650 Calories BurnedUtilising movements that are functional for day-to-day activities, STAR FIX enhances mobility and improves wellness. With a focus on strength, endurance, increased power, fat burning, and explosiveness, this class will take your body to new levels.SUPER CLASS